Email Archiving and Politics: Emails Prove Christie’s Bridge Scandal Involves More People

One of the most recent stories to make headlines involving email archiving and politics is the story of New Jersey Governor Chris Christie. The debacle involving the closing of the George Washington Bridge and subsequent traffic jams have been a huge focus of the media. This has been encouraging by more and more documents and emails being released showing about prior knowledge of this issue and probable planning of the situation.
New Developments
In recent articles, new reports have shown further emails proving the involvement of others in this scandal. Most recently, the involvement of Port Authority Officer Thomas ‘Chip’ Michaels (an old friend of Governor Christie’s) and David Wildstein (the man who ordered the closing of the roads).
Email messages have been released showing that Officer Michaels and Wildstein were at the scene as the situation unfolded. Additional emails prove that Officer Michaels knew a day in advance of the lane closings and kept David Wildstein updated on developments.
Emails Don’t Lie
On September 8th (the day before the situation), Port Authority Officer Thomas Michaels emailed Port Authority Captain Darcy Licorish. The message stated: ‘Is there going to be a new traffic pattern installed for Monday the 9th?’ Other emails and texts show Michaels and Wildstein discussing how the event was unfolding and even going on a tour of the scene.
The Bigger Meaning
The bigger meaning behind all of this is how easily emails can be traced and tracked. Investing in email archiving can secure records of communication and ensure that everything is safe and traceable. It remains to be seen who else will be implicated in this scandal and what truly took place last fall. The record of communication that proves prior knowledge is demonstrated through the saved email messages.
Please contact us for more information about email archiving and the impact it can have.