Egads! Check Out the Hidden Cost of PST files

As the demand for storage in your organization continues to escalate, the Hidden Cost of Microsoft PST can have a dramatic impact on your overall storage costs.
This is one of those things that may not be evident at first glance, but as you dig deeper into how users are using their outlook application, you will discover the following reality:
- MS outlook users save their email in PST file
- PST files are saved on network shares
- The PST are usually backed up daily
- If a single email with a 1 Megabyte attachment is automatically backed up on a daily basis, it consumes 365 Megabytes of space for the year
This reality results in attachment multiplication, slow backup, corrupted PST’s and more.
The PST Storage strategy also has business risks:
- Legal risk and expense (company has the email but can’t find it)
- Emails with valuable content (contracts, marketing collateral, etc.) may be in PST files on the network share but nobody knows where they are or how to access them
Intradyn’s Email Archiving Solution:
- Can be installed in minutes and keep you compliant for years
- Reduce storage space & the associated expense for email back ups
- Provide 99.999% up time – no hassles, no worries
- Provide quick recovery, high performance and trouble free searches
“Intradyn helps companies, organizations, and governments implement the no-worries archiving plan that best suits their internal, regulatory, and compliance necessities.”